My New Blog

Denver Metro Real Estate Market
September 13th, 2008 8:21 PM

Are things looking up in Denver?  Recently there have been news articles that suggest that Denver is more on an upswing and ahead of the nation in real estate recovery.

Some good news - there are less homes on the market for sale - this means that as a buyer you still have inventory to choose from but not as much as in the past. 

Interest rates are still pretty low - with the takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the government is keeping interest rates low to help stimulate the housing recovery.

Remember the days when the Denver Metro area was listed as the worst or in the top 5 of foreclosures in the country - not anymore - several cities have taken our place.  Also we dropped off the mortgage fraud top 10 list so maybe having a little more regulatory control at the state level for mortgage brokers have helped.

I am optimistic that we have or are in the process of turning the corner on the housing market as I go into more and more neighborhood where prices have stabilized or even increased slightly in the past 12 months. 

I just read Tucker Hart Adams economic forecast for 2009 and even she has some good news to report.  She did mention at least twice how she predicted this recession so is going out on a high note of getting it right once again.  She is a very interesting person to hear speak on the Colorado economy and I will miss having the opportunity to do so in the future.

One final note, 5280 Appraisal, LLC has recently celebrated it's 1st year in business.  To all of you that have chosen me as your appraiser I say THANKS!!!  To those of you that read this blog and have recommended it to others I also say thanks.  It will be interesting to see what the next 12 months have to bring in the Denver area regarding home values and I look forward to helping you along the way.


Posted in:General
Posted by Christine Sweetland on September 13th, 2008 8:21 PMPost a Comment

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